Saturday, November 3, 2007



Honey with propolis, ginger and eucalyptus has been developed to help the consumer make use of the excellent qualities of its three main ingredients. Ginger, widely known in our culture, functions principally as an anti-septic, expectorant and digestive, quite apart from supplying proteins and mineral salts to our organism; together with eucalyptus, a potent anti-septic of the breathing ways, makes this an excellent product against infections and more specifically combats problems with the aerial and breathing tubes, and propolis, one of nature’s antibiotics. The presence of honey with the product gives it an agreeable taste and flavor.


Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinalle, is a herbaceous plant of about 90 cm. in height, and whose subterranean part is made up of meaty rhizomes. Originally from India, ginger spread widely through Europe and America through the hands of merchants and colonizers. It is widely known and appreciated as an especiary for its characteristic aroma. However, it can be much more than a simple condiment; the fruit, when heated, is a popular drink and used to the benefit of ones organism.

The medicinal and nutritional properties of ginger concentrate in its rhizome, which presents us with the following chemical compositions: 2.4% of proteins and amino acids, 12.3% of carbohydrates (starch, glucose and fructose); 1.2% of mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium and magnesium); fats; vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, A and C); 1 to 3% of essential oils (citral, cineol, zingiberine, bisabolene, geraniol, geranial acetate, chugaois, d-cafeno, beta-felandreno, borneol, linalol, acetates and caprilatos of zingiberol).

Ginger presents innumerous pharmacological properties: antiseptical, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, carminative bacteriostatic, and as stimulant of the peripheral circulation and helps with stomach problems. As its ingredients act upon the digestive system, it can be useful in cases of loss of appetite and difficult digestion. Its calming nature also combats flatulence and stops the formation of gases. Various studies suggest that during the last century ginger was revealed as having an excellent antiemetic activity without causing drowsiness or sleepiness, and the same for cases of travel sickness where movement is involved. Many antiseptic properties are described in cases of lung and breathing infections provoked by throat inflammations. Due to its sharp characteristic taste it is also a circulatory stimulant, which helps treat cases of bad circulation.

At Uniflora we produce our own ginger extract from the plant’s rhizome. Our own production gives us a better control of the final product, as the extract produced is adjusted to Uniflora guaranteed levels before being incorporated into the honey.

Propolis is a resinous and balsamic substance, which possesses diverse coloration and consistency, varying from a brown to dark green color. It is produced by bees from the shoots and resinous parts of the plant, and is utilized in the beehive’s interior to "weld" the honeycomb, to varnish the capsules, close off cracks and openings to avoid cold winds coming in, and principally to shut out their natural enemies: fungi and bacterium. It is also used to embalm small dead animals that the bees cannot expel from the hive, and thus avoids putrefaction.

The chemical composition of propolis depends on the botanic ecology of each region, but in general is made up of 50% resin and balsam (balm), 30% is wax, 10% is aromatic and essential oils, 5% is pollen and 5% various other substances. Up to now more than 200 chemical compounds have been identified in propolis, such as flavonoids, aromatic acids and terpenoids, aldeids, alcohols, aliphatic and ester acids, amino-acids, steroids, sugars etc. Intense studies with propolis suggest these compounds are responsible for their diverse physiological actions: anti-micro biotic (functions as a natural antibiotic), anti-inflammatory, healing, anti-fungal, anesthetic and antioxidant.

At Uniflora we use only selected propolis that is obtained by using up-to-the-minute equipment to insure high quality and a high concentration of extract. Our laboratories analyze the extract compound, which is obtained and prepares a "blend" in order to obtain a uniform propolis extract that is then used in the elaboration of our products. The quality of our propolis extract is controlled by the use of the following parameters: grade of flavonoids, degree of Brix, percentage of dry material, alcohol graduation and its density.

Eucalyptus globulus , more popularly known as eucalyptus, is originally of Australia; it is a tall, leafy, frondescent tree, with smooth creamy-white bark which peels off and renews with time; the young foliage is oval shaped and a bluish-silver color. The parts that interest pharmacologists are the leaves and principally the essential oils that are extracted from the leaves. This is considered the principal active component of the eucalyptus. The oil composition presents the following qualities: cineol (eucalyptol), a terpenic compound that is the typical scent of eucalyptus, terpineol and pinene, poliphenolic acids (galic and cafeic) and flavonoids (eucalyptina, rutin). This aromatic herb also serves as a stimulant, descongestionant and expectorant, and can be used externally in inhalations to treat catarrh, bronchitis, sinusitis, colds and influenzas.

The presence of eucalyptus oil also enforces the antiseptic power to the respiratory system using the honey with added ginger.

The honey is produced by bees from the nectar in flowers. It is a rich, nutritive food, which presents mainly sugars in its composition, of rapid assimilation by the organism, together with mineral salts (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, etc.) amino-acids, enzymes and vitamins. It has the following properties: expectorant, fluidity, a healing process and as an anti-septic.

The honey used at Uniflora comes from registered producers, with constant surveillance in their production to guarantee maximum quality. All lots received are rigorously analyzed, not only with reference to its purity, but also the hygienic conditions of the extract which gives the quality to its product.


# Inflammation of the throat and raucousness
# Influenzas and colds
# Respiratory infections
# Coughs with catarrh
# Intestinal gases
# Prevents travel sickness
# Aids against bad digestion


This product should not be used where there is high sensibility to one of the product’s ingredients.
Consulted literature does not recommend use of this product by pregnant women, and people with gall-stones or biliary problems.
Ginger should not be used when associated with anticoagulants such as aspirin, varfarin or ibupropheno so that there might be an increase to the wrong effect. Consult your doctor before using this product.

Children under 1 year old should only use this product after consulting with a pediatrician.


There are no collateral effects with the use of this product when the recommended dose of honey, ginger, propolis and eucalyptus is administered.

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